STROBO çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¢ STROBO/STELLAR ³ Comments From the studio musician, Andreas Stenhager: ¹ Hehe! This guy has both humour and talent, and it is a really nice combination.Many of his tunes are made for fun, but that doesn't mean that he's unserious, no, the songs are very nice indeed! Strobo likes to play around with voice-samples, that's for sure, but the arrangement behind them are nice conducted and the result is often enjoyable. In 'Smurffit' Strobo for once has forgotten the humour and the result is even better, it's an extremely good song! Great talent indeed. ³ Diesel's comment: ¹Strobo is one of my absolute favourites. He has revolutionized Amigamusic without getting aproporiate credits for it; he hasn't figured on any charts so far, but I hope that he will in the future. You're listening to one of his pieces right now, and I know you like it! You must envy Strobo for his productivity; he makes more tunes than I place pixels! Many of the famous Stellar-intros feature happy-songs by Strobo, where he uses different voicesamples very funny, but not unserious at all. He has also proven that he manages and succeed in the most of the different styles of music, something that you can't say about many others.